


Packaging Unit :
Liquid 20㎏/PVC Bottle


• Best product for effective cleaning and degreasing
• Stable, nonflammable and anticorrosive
• Unharmful to equipment and parts
• Excellent workability
• Stability and workability much better than existing caustic soda.
NABAKEM GP-100 cleans antirust agent, release agent, cutting oil and cutting leftovers.
• Diluting it with water at 1:20 to clean machinery can substitute for cleaning by casutic soda and chloric solvent.
NABAKEM GP-100 containing powerful anticorrosive agents is optimal product for cleaning nicket steel and chrome steel.
• No saline or chloric components remained after cleaning.
It is used for cleaning nuclear reaction system.
• It is used for cleaning the inside of chimney and tunnel where much carbon is created.
It does not have odor unique to detergent.
• Best effects for degreasing the machinery and its parts, reaction tanks, molds, equipment and tools.
• Safely used for degreasing filters, floors, hospitals, laundries, plastics surfaces etc.
• Since it has excellent cleaning effects and does not remain residuals, it is used for cleaning glasses and ceramics
• Wear protective equipment such as rubber gloves and safety goggles..
• Flush contaminated eye(s) and skin with copious quantities of water